Alex Johnston

Headshot Alex Johnston, Associate Director
VCAC Director

After graduating from the University of Virginia in 2013, she served as a college adviser in Pittsylvania County at Chatham and Gretna High Schools. After the Corps, Alex attended UNC-Chapel Hill, receiving her M.Ed. in School Counseling. At UNC she was honored with the Dean E. Smith Opening Doors award. The award annually recognizes one outstanding School of Education student who demonstrates leadership, service, and excellence.

Alex worked as a school counselor at the high school level in Apex, NC, supporting students holistically through personal, academic, career and social support. She served on the school’s Equity Team which addressed racial, gender, sexuality and socio-economic bias, and developed strategies to reduce the school’s racial achievement gap. In her most recent role as Program Coordinator in the Office of the Vice President and Chief Student Affairs Officer at UVA, Alex focused on the Meriwether Lewis Institute for Citizen Leadership. She provided program management to this premier fellowship experience for undergraduate students, amongst other responsibilities in VPSA.