Dreama Johnson

Headshot of Dreama Johnson

"Being a college adviser taught me that building trust is what it is all about, and I have used that knowledge in my current career of recovering students who have dropped out and retaining students considered "at risk" of dropping out. I could never have become the advocate for all things related to education equity without being a college adviser because I saw first-hand the need that students have and how multiple fields and factors impact meeting those needs. My time in the Advising Corps helped me to balance budgets, manage time, present data, collaborate with other community partners, I could go on and on and on. Today, I am a leader in the education field determined to fight for equity education for all."

Inaugural Director, Public Service Public Pathways
University of Virginia
High School(s) Served as VCAC Adviser
William Monroe High School, 2008-2010
Greene County